How to Bring an Offline Brother Printer Online in windows 10?

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If you are unable to print from your Brother printer because it is showing a ‘Printer Offline’ message, Here the following steps that you can try to resolve the issue of your Brother Printer Offline

  • Click on the Start button on your computer, and then click on the Devices and Printers option.
  • Now right-click your Brother printer icon and click on the See What’s Printing option on your screen.
  • Click on the Printer option at the top of the window > look for the check mark in front of the Use Printer Offline option. Remove the checkmark, now your documents will start printing again. And if it still does not work then proceed to the next step.
  • Turn off your Brother printer and disconnect the printer’s USB cable from your computer.
  • Now turn on your printer.
However, if your issue is still not resolved ‘How to turn Brother printer online‘ you may need to make some required changes to your printer setup & installation to restore normal printing functionality back.
